Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world in territorial extension, with 8,514,876 km2. The country has a 7,367 km coastline, bathed in the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The contour of the Brazilian coast increases to 9,200 km if the projections and indentations of the coast are considered.
There are 99 ports and maritime terminals along brazillian coast.
In cargo handling, ocean transport between ports of different nations, called long-haul transport, is the most used type of navigation, with 823.98 million tons transported in 2018. There is also coastal shipping, which is coastal transport between ports or points in brazilian territory, that handled 230.74 million tons in the same period, while the movement in the interior of the country handled 60.32 million tons in 2018.The Port of Santos, is a state port located in the Santos estuary off the coast of the State of São Paulo. In addition to being the second largest in the country in handling by tonnage of cargo, it is the largest in handling of containers. In 2016, it was considered the 39th largest port in the world for handling containers, according to the ranking of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), being the busiest in Latin America. In fact, of the 133 million tons of cargo transported by containers, about 10% of the cargo transported, the Port of Santos is responsible for almost a third of the total.